In our Surecratic View and In Light Of The Metparaphysics Philosophic Theory (TMPT); the Intelligent Design Theory - trying to teach its own controversial views - is actually criticized by being a reactionary and even a direct by-product of secular democracy, Western Dualism and Darwinism ..!
What Most Of the Evangelical / Creationists' Movement Members - including its followers of the Christians and the Jewish Supporters to the Intelligent Design (ID) Theory - where they lack or even trying to avoid, within their public appearance and within their intellectual research trials, is that their ID case(s) and/or ID argument(s) Knowingly evaded - on questionable purpose(s) - to be relying upon their scriptural evidence / biblical authority support to their subject being discussed regarding the presence of design(s); A matter which logically may be inter-correlated with the Subjective-Ontological Monotheistic Scriptural Evidence(s) - that may have certain scientific epistemological value(s) - to support the profound factual scientific quantitative and/or qualitative ontological descended information via prophecy mediation to be considered within their Intelligent Design debate.. They all kept very quite about it within their ID scientific-philosophically related studies; within their search trials for better knowledge and the needed factual truth..! Accordingly, ID Approach which was claimed to be scientific and/or philosophical ( in relation to the philosophy of science) - followed an ascending physics / physical field approach - invoking esoteric idea(s) as within information theory (including statistical inference) , molecular biology and the intellectual logical sense in testing their proposed hypothesis ..etc but there is no acceptable foundation of the subject(s) of their ID discussions between evidence of science and similarly the related evidence of their religion(s) .. ! The Intelligent Design leading theorists seem still using a typical closed model of thinking / believing which is restricting itself in science in physical and ascending metaphysical field(s) with their assumptions to include the Supernatural without finding out the needed supporting ontological -biblical subjective evidence(s) upon the subject matter(s) being studied or presented. ID theorists fallen to be away from finding out a needed open model of thinking, at least within one cycle of complete knowledge in order to properly support their claims with acceptable evidence ..!
What Most Of the Evangelical / Creationists' Movement Members - including its followers of the Christians and the Jewish Supporters to the Intelligent Design (ID) Theory - where they lack or even trying to avoid, within their public appearance and within their intellectual research trials, is that their ID case(s) and/or ID argument(s) Knowingly evaded - on questionable purpose(s) - to be relying upon their scriptural evidence / biblical authority support to their subject being discussed regarding the presence of design(s); A matter which logically may be inter-correlated with the Subjective-Ontological Monotheistic Scriptural Evidence(s) - that may have certain scientific epistemological value(s) - to support the profound factual scientific quantitative and/or qualitative ontological descended information via prophecy mediation to be considered within their Intelligent Design debate.. They all kept very quite about it within their ID scientific-philosophically related studies; within their search trials for better knowledge and the needed factual truth..! Accordingly, ID Approach which was claimed to be scientific and/or philosophical ( in relation to the philosophy of science) - followed an ascending physics / physical field approach - invoking esoteric idea(s) as within information theory (including statistical inference) , molecular biology and the intellectual logical sense in testing their proposed hypothesis ..etc but there is no acceptable foundation of the subject(s) of their ID discussions between evidence of science and similarly the related evidence of their religion(s) .. ! The Intelligent Design leading theorists seem still using a typical closed model of thinking / believing which is restricting itself in science in physical and ascending metaphysical field(s) with their assumptions to include the Supernatural without finding out the needed supporting ontological -biblical subjective evidence(s) upon the subject matter(s) being studied or presented. ID theorists fallen to be away from finding out a needed open model of thinking, at least within one cycle of complete knowledge in order to properly support their claims with acceptable evidence ..!
Here their assumed ' Intelligent Design Theistic Realism ' failed the needed tests - from our Surecratic point of view - in order to proof itself as being capable for complying with the true ' Monotheistic Realism' that the Holy Qu'ran had already highlighted and/or discussed; Monotheistic Realism in Islam is different from Theistic Realism of Evangelicalism, Christianity and Judaism. The first - as highlighted in surecracy studies and our available publication(s) - is fully capable to prove itself with scriptural/ontological subjective-scientific evidence. It is a mater which also had been highlighted in others studies - as for example - within the study of Dr. Maurice Bucaille ' La bible, Le Qu'ran Et La Science Moderne ' & ' L'Home D'Ou Vient Il? in Paris 1976-1981 and in our published studies in 1988-2002, and particularly concluded upon the application(s) of such a concept within The Qur'an Scriptural Review(s) and its approach(es), Discovered in lights of Our newly introduced theory: The Metaparaphysics Philosophic Theory (TMPT) ..! Upon Discussing The Concepts of Creation and/or the presence of Supernatural The Scientific Arguments that lack its Ontological-Subjective logical / Epistemological Facts; is not and will never be considered enough to claim its support to a questionable faith and/or to a delusive belief in any mean(s)..! The compliance between the two is conceptually a must and a necessity in testing the Holy book(s) of Religions as well as of science .. The human belief can be biased, delusive and even misleading; particularly if it is not well built upon factual logic and proper scientific knowledge and reasoning .. The Supernatural God / Allah is still capable - in any scriptural book related to the true monotheistic Messiah - to deliver the factual true knowledge of creation - in any area - including the scientific related ontological-subjective evidence(s) that human being(s) can logically, scientifically understand and integrate the available information or knowledge that are compatible with each other in order to have the needed profound stable belief(s).
Writer: Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Copyrights (C) 2008, Canada.
A Detailed Paper Under Editing Development For Web Publication Soon ..
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